
12 February 2017

A Court of Mist and Fury - Quote Compendium



Quote Compendium: A Court of Mist and Fury

Here is a post containing all of the amazing lines from Sarah J. Maas' work of art, A Court of Mist and Fury. You can read my review (and you should) here and quick note: I have the Bloomsbury paperback edition which has 624 pages. And a warning, there may be spoilers!

"Maybe I'd always been broken and dead inside."
- prologue, pg 1

"Was I interrupting? I thought it was over?" Rhys gave me a smile dripping with venom. He knew-through that bond, through whatever magic was between us, he'd known I was about to say no. "At least Feyre seemed to think so."
- Rhysand, Feyre, chapter 5, pg 44

"You're welcome, you know."
"For what?"
Rhys paused less than a foot away, sliding his hands into his pockets. The night didn't seem to ripple from him here-and he appeared, despite his perfection, almost normal. "For saving you when asked."
- Rhysand, Feyre, chapter 5, pg 46

"So I'm your huntress and thief?"
His hands slid down to cup the backs of my knees as he said with a roguish grin, "You are my salvation, Feyre."
- Feyre, Rhysand, chapter 19, pg 213

"I was not a pet, not a doll, not an animal.
I was a survivor, and I was strong.
I would not be weak, or helpless again. I would not, could not be broken. Tamed."
- Feyre, chapter 21, pg 226

"You," I breathed, not taking my eye from the musicians playing so skillfully that even the diners had set down their forks in the cafes nearby.
"You sent that music into my cell. Why?"
Rhysand's voice was hoarse. "Because you were breaking. And I couldn't find another way to save you.'
- Feyre, Rhysand, chapter 29, pg 289

"Death on swift wings"
 - Feyre, chapter 30, pg 294

"The issue isn't whether he loved you, it's how much. Too much. Love can be a poison."
- Rhysand, chapter 33, pg 320

"To the stars who listen-and the dreams that are answered."
- Rhysand, chapter 34, pg 337

"And it was Elain-Elain-who sighed and murmured, "I hope they all burn in hell."
- Elain, chapter 41, pg 389

"I am the dark lord, who stole away the bride of spring. I am a demon, and a nightmare, and I will meet a bad end. He is the golden prince-the hero who will get to keep you as his reward for not dying of stupidity and arrogance."
- Rhysand, chapter 43, pg 421-422

"But I forgot to tell him," I said quietly, opening the door, "that the villain is usually the person who locks up the maiden and throws away the key."
I shrugged. "He was the one who let me out."
- Feyre, Amren, chapter 43, pg 427

"And if any of you lay a hand on her, you lose that hand. And then you lose your head." I tried not to shiver, as Cassian and Mor showed no reaction at all. "And once Feyre is done killing you," Rhys smirked, "then I'll grind your bones to dust."
- Rhysand, Feyre, chapter 45, pg 444

"When you spend so long trapped in darkness, Lucien, the darkness begins to stare back."
- Feyre, chapter 47, pg 461

"Then I would have torn the world apart to get you back."
- Feyre, chapter 48, pg 469

"I painted the night sky," He stilled, I went on, "I painted the stars and the moon and clouds and just endless, dark sky."... "I never knew why. I rarely went outside at night-usually, I was so tired from hunting I just wanted to sleep. But I wonder... if some part of me knew what was waiting for me. That I would never be a gentle grower of things, or someone who burned like fire-but that I would be quiet and enduring and as faceted as the night. That I would have beauty, for those who knew where to look, and if people didn't bother to look, but to only fear it... Then I didn't particularly care for them, anyway. I wonder if, even in my despair and hopelessness, I was never truly alone. I wonder if I was looking for this place-looking for you all."
- Feyre, chapter 49, pg 488

"If you were going to die, I was going to die with you. I couldn't stop thinking it over and over as you screamed, as I tried to kill her: you were my mate, my mate, my mate."
- Rhysand, chapter 54, pg 526

"But then she snapped your neck."
Tears rolled down his face.
"And I felt you die," he whispered
- Rhysand, chapter 54, pg 526

"And I wondered if love was too weak a word for what he felt, what he'd done for me. For what i felt for him."
- Feyre, chapter 54, pg 528

"I want you to know," I whispered, "that I am broken and healing, but every piece of my heart belongs to you. And I am honoured-honoured to be your mate."
- Feyre, chapter 55, pg 259

I felt Cassian's spirit beside me in that moment, and I could have sworn I heard him say, "If you don't marry her your stupid prick, I will."
- Feyre, chapter 55, pg 534

"I must have you wrapped completely around my finger."
His eyes danced with feline amusement. "Cruel, beautiful thing."
- Feyre, Rhysand, chapter 55, pg 536

"Life and death and rebirth
Sun and moon and dark
Rot and bloom and bones
Hello, sweet thing. Hello, lady of night, princess of decay. Hello, fanged beast and trembling fawn. Love me, touch me, sing me.
- Book of Breathings, chapter 57, pg 554

"My mate. Death incarnate. Night triumphant."
- Feyre, chapter 59, pg 568
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